Friday, July 16, 2010

My new Journey

I believe there's always room for improvement and growth. Wellness is one area that I crave to improve. I have suffered from insomnia for years, exhaustion, feeling bloated or just not quite right. I often wondered if not eating meat would help (yep, that sounds crazy to some), cutting out sugar, should I exercise more, no caffeine...heck I would have patted my head and rubbed my stomach all while walking a straight line to find the right answer to my problems.

I was a diet coke and black coffee junkie. Needless to say, last month I quit cold turkey. I still enjoy the early morning stillness (prior to kids and animals waking) with a hot cup of decaf and the morning news, however not having caffeine, taking herbal supplements suggested by my wellness doctor(Merritt Wellness Center) and my compounding pharmacist (Moore's Pharmacy) and vitamins manufactured by the company I work for and a new way of eating (yes I still eat meat) has awakened my soul and allowed me to sleep more soundly than I have in years. I feel alive again and what a feeling it is! This new way of life is certainly a work in progress and I have a lot to learn. I look forward to meeting people on this path of wellness and learning from those that are miles ahead.

Here's to new beginnings!

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